LSCP Structure
In order for the Safeguarding Partnership to meet its statutory and local requirements we have in place a number of groups where different members of organisations from all levels meet to discuss and agree the safeguarding needs of Thurrock.
This section provides a brief overview of some of the responsibilities and roles those groups perform.

Thurrock LSCP Strategic Group
The Strategic Group will take place six times during the transitional year and four times a year thereafter. The Group will comprise of the Strategic Safeguarding Partners and the Thurrock LSCP Business Manager. The Group will be responsible for the strategic direction of the Partnership and decisions regarding Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, ensuring learning outcomes are embedded into practice.
The LSCP Business Manager will report to the Group on the effectiveness of the safeguarding and scrutiny arrangements.
Thurrock LSCP Management Executive Board (MEB)
The MEB meetings will be led by the three Safeguarding Partners and will be the decision making body overseeing the multi-agency plan. It will review progress and assess areas for development in local safeguarding processes. This will inform the priorities and strategic direction of the Partnership Strategic Group. It will take place four times a year and will be half day duration. The agenda for the meetings will be agreed by the Thurrock LSCP Strategic Group.
The MEB is responsible for:-
- Carrying out the strategic policy and priorities of the Thurrock LSCP, ensuring that the Thurrock LSCP meets its statutory functions receiving any reports from partner agencies as required.
- Responsible for evaluating the performance of all Partnership Sub-Groups and any Task and Finish Groups in carry out their functions.
Standard areas for inclusion on agendas will comprise of:-
- Child Deaths (until the new arrangements come into effect).
- National and Local Learning Practice Reviews.
- Progress of the multi-agency plan/performance report.
- Updates from other Strategic Groups.
- Updates from Thurrock LSCP Sub Groups.
- Finance (October and March).
Thurrock LSCP Learning & Practice Review Group (LPR Group)
The LPR Group will examine front-line challenges and successes making suggestions and recommendations to improve multi-agency working. It will act on behalf of the Partnership in supporting the areas of Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Training and Development and the Audit process.
Thurrock LSCP Audit Group
The Audit Group role supports the Thurrock LSCP to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of work done by all Partner agencies individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and advise them on ways to improve. It will audit and evaluate the effectiveness of inter-agency working within Thurrock and undertake key tasks as identified within the Thurrock LSCP Business Plan. The focus of this Group is to review cases in a multi-agency arena to evaluate effectiveness of inter-agency working and to review agencies safeguarding performance. It offers an opportunity to reflect on safeguarding practice and identify any lessons learnt to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families.
Thurrock LSCP MACE
MACE is a strategic partnership group led by Safeguarding Partner's representatives to ensure a tactical response to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and other identified areas of exploitation including gangs and trafficking. It is responsible for developing the local multi-agency response to exploitation in Thurrock linking across with the activities undertaken by the Community Safety Partnership and other Strategic Groups to ensure that contextual safeguarding form a part of the understanding of the impact of exploitation and how to respond.