Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership

What parents and carers can do to support school attendance

Speak to the school first and explain the issues affecting your child’s attendance, the school is asked to listen and understand.

Schools may also contact parents and carers when they spot an absence pattern. They may ask for a discussion with you and your child/children, to listen to and understand attendance barriers and agree a way to work together to resolve them.

It is vitally important that parents engage with the school to enable this process.  Many Schools have a Pastoral Support Team, some may have access to the Mental Health Support Team worker (MHST) or have access to a Counsellor. Many schools have staff who have received training on Supporting Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).  

As part of their work with parents/carers, schools are asked to facilitate support which may include removing barriers in school, (where possible) and providing help for pupils and parents to access the support they need to overcome the barriers outside of school. This might include an early help or whole family plan where absence is a symptom of other wider issues. Once again, parents/carers are strongly encouraged to engage with any support which is offered. 

The guide linked below, from the Department for Education, provides the following guidance for parents/carers:

  • Parent responsibilities for school attendance and what you need to do when your child needs to be absent.
  • How schools and local authorities will work with you to support your child's attendance.

 Working Together to Improve School Attendance

Thurrock Family Hubs also offer information, advice and guidance drop in sessions on education matters and supporting your children in education. This includes support they could get, funding that may be available to you and any other areas of interest. Information is also available on education for children with social care intervention at any level.

Please use the link below to access the family hub web pages and see their activity schedules:

Family hubs | Thurrock Council

Website by Taylorfitch