Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership

Prevent and Radicilisation

Radicalisation and Extremism

Children may be at risk from exposure to materials or influences that support or endorse terrorism and extremism.

Local Authorities and other public bodies, including (but not restricted too) schools, the police and health services, have a legal duty to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and to provide support via the Channel programme to people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

The risks posed to young people by extremism are now included within the criteria for determining whether children and young people are in need of early help, specialist support or protection.


Report terrorist information, pictures or videos you have found on the internet

Home Office UK threat level

Essex Police - Advice and Guidance

Home Office Prevent Strategy

Channel Guidance

Prevent Duty Guidance

ACT Early

Prevent Duty in healthcare

Free Training

The Home Office offer a free E-Learning Prevent training programme - this can be accessed by clicking here

Website by Taylorfitch