Safe to Play - Launch Event

Did you know.... recently the Home Office released the following statistics, at least 1 in 10 children experience sexual abuse before their 16th birthday, the Council of Europe's "Start to Talk" campaign highlights that 1in 5 children in Europe are victims of some form of sexual violence.
These statistics highlight the need for all who work with children to be able to recognise potential abuse, this includes those involved in other physical activities such as dance and drama.
In partnership with the National Working Group (NWG), we are inviting you to the official launch of 'Safe to Play' which is an innovative campaign on safeguarding in sport developed by the NWG.
The event is being held on the 12th July at Aveley Football Club, Parkside, Park Lane, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4PX from 10.00 till 12.00. This event is aimed towards volunteers and coaches within the sporting community, and our safeguarding partners who can help promote this campaign, to equip us all with the tools to identify potential victims of Child Abuse.
Why you?
Because, not only do all sports clubs have a statutory duty to ensure children are protected from harm, but your close interaction with children and young people, puts you in a pivotal position to identify the warning signs and behaviour that may indicate that a child is being abused. In turn, reporting any information or concerns to the police will contribute to the safeguarding of children.
Extracurricular sports activities have seen a recent boom, with many parents sending their children to sports clubs during the school holidays. While we obviously welcome the rise in activity for children, part of this campaign will be to encourage parents to perform their due diligence before they send their children to these activities, to ensure they are legitimate clubs with the required safeguarding policies, procedures and safe recruitment processes in place.
With that in mind, we are asking sports coaches and clubs to be open about their safeguarding processes when asked by parents - it is only right that they challenge!
To book onto this event, please click here
If you have any further questions, then please email