Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Training - Level 2/3
Monday 17th June 2024 - 09.00 - 16.00
Thursday 10th October 2024 - 09:00 - 16:00
Monday 3rd February 2025 - 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 6th May 2025 - 09:00 - 16:00
via MS Teams
- to help professionals and volunteers who work with children and families to understand their child protection responsibilities
- To gain an understanding of what is meant by safeguarding and promoting children's welfare
- To know how to recognise signs of abuse and neglect, how to respond, report and record concerns.
- To consider how to safely work with children
- To know what to do if there was a concern about a member of staff or volunteer possibly posing a risk of harm to children
- To know what to do if there was a concern about unsafe practice in their place of work
Please note that this is a chargeable course and full details can be found in our charging policy and below:-
Safeguarding Partner or Relevant Agency £50
Private/profit making organisation £100
Voluntary/Charity/community £25
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and I believe that I will significantly benefit from this training.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- I agree to complete the post course feedback survey which will be sent out within 48 hours of the end of the training sessions and will also complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my Certificate of Attendance.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
May 2025
Date |
Time |
Duration |
Location |
Places Available |
06/05/2025 |
09:00-16:00 |
1 Day |
Virtual Microsoft Teams |
20 |
Book |