Safer Sleeping for Babies

Course Description
Greater awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is one of the most effective ways to reduce cases. This course is designed to do just that whilst ensuring learners gain knowledge on practical and effective ways to reduce the risks.
This course gives up to date information on how to make sleeping safer for babies and gives advice on lowering the chance of SUDC (Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood).
It gives a wide range of information and guidance, and is aimed at health workers, nursery workers, and those working with babies and new parents.
A wide range of topics are covered throughout this training including:-
- The definitions of SUDI, SIDS and SUDC and how they differ
- Tackling unexplained deaths, and reducing their number
- The agencies and individuals who can help to reduce the risk
- The triple risk model
- Descriptions of environmental risks and how to avoid or reduce them
- Advice to give to parents on how to avoid SIDS
- Strategies for safer sleeping
- SIDS and smoking
- How to regulate babies' temperature
- The dangers of co-sleeping and bed-sharing
The course also covers up to date statistics, facts and figures to help learners understand the current levels of SIDS.
It provides links to organisations that can provide information and help, such as the Lullaby Trust, the Baby Sleep Information Service and the NHS. This course contains challenges for learners to check their understanding as the course proceeds.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Paediatricians
- Nursery workers
- Parents
- Childminders
- Social Workers
This course takes approximately one to two hours to complete
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
There are currently no dates for this event.