SET Child Exploitation E-Learning Training - updated December 2023
Child Exploitation E-Learning Training

In partnership with Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit and the Southend and Essex Boards, we have launched a new e-learning package to support anyone who would like to improve their knowledge and understanding of exploitation.
The e-learning package is free to access for those working or volunteering in Thurrock, Southend and Essex and includes three modules that cover exploitation awareness, child exploitation and adult exploitation.
The purpose of the e-learning package is to raise awareness about all types of exploitation and to help people recognise the potential signs of exploitation, covering aspects such as grooming, adolescent brain development, modern day slavery and contextual safeguarding.
To undertake this free course, please click here
Please note that you will need to register to be able to access the e-learning training.
SET Partnership Child Exploitation Pathway
The SET Partnership Child Exploitation Pathway has been developed to support those working with, and identifying, individuals at risk of serious violence or exploitation. The pathway compliments the e-learning package (detailed above) and will give Practitioners the tools they need to identify factors that could indicate exploitation and to make decisions regarding referrals where child exploitation is suspected.
The tool gives a pathway indicator for each local area which sets out appropriate courses of action for those needing support. It will be used within statutory agencies as a universal pathway which means there is a consistent tool across the whole of Essex which all workers will use.
There are currently no dates for this event.