Non-Chargeable Courses
Training Event Information
Please click on the relevant links on the side bar to view the details of current programmes and the attendance criteria.
In most cases these programmes are designed to incorporate multi agency attendees in order to gain the maximum learning benefit.
Once you have submitted your application you request will be considered against all agency requests and confirmation of your place will be sent to you. To avoid disappointment, please do not attend unless your place has been confirmed.
Our programmes are primarily available for those who work with Thurrock Children. On occasions where we have capacity for a wider audience, outside applications will be considered, but will incur a small course administration charge.
This section is regularly changing with new courses being updated. If you do not see a course shown please contact for further information.
Please note that whilst these courses are free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 cancellation charge. Full details are available within the Thurrock LSCP Learning and Development Events Programme Charging Policy
AIM Foundation Awareness of HSB - 1 day Course via Zoom
AIM Foundation Awareness of HSB
Dates avaiable:
- Monday 24th February 2025
- Thursday 8th May 2025
Please note this training is delivered Via Zoom.
All sessions are 9:30 - 16:30.
Target Audience:
This one-day awareness raising course has been designed for practitioners who are new to Harmful Sexual Behaviours, who work with children, young people and families.
Course Aim:
HSB can provoke considerable anxiety in parent/carers and professionals. This one day course aims to demystify this whole area of work, increase awareness and empower carers and professionals to use transferable skills when managing children and young people who present with HSB.
The training will provide professionals with a theoretical background about the development of sexual behaviour problems, and guidance on what works.
It will also consider the impact on adults who are trying to manage a child or young person displaying HSB.
Learning Outcomes
- Increased confidence in responding to and managing HSB
- Increased insight into staff support and care
- An understanding of the theoretical background to the development of sexual behaviour problems
To Book - Please Click Here
AIM Foundation Awareness of Technology-Assisted HSB – 1 day course via Zoom
AIM Foundation Awareness of Technology-Assisted HSB – 1 day course via Zoom
- Wednesday 5th March 2025
- Thursday 12th June 2025
Time: 9:30 - 16:30
Please note this training is delivered via Zoom.
It is advised that you have completed AIM Foundation Awareness of HSB prior to attending this course.
Target Audience
This one-day awareness raising course has been designed for practitioners who work with children, young people and families with an introduction to how technology may play a role in harmful sexual behaviours. It is ideal for practitioners who may not be directly involved in risk assessments, but who wish to have an up to date understanding of this subject.
Course Aim:
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) acknowledges that, “no issue is more pressing for contemporary child protection than the role of the internet in facilitating child sexual abuse.”
This one-day course aims to develop professional knowledge of technology assisted harmful sexual behaviour (TA-HSB) displayed by young people, which may include sexting/youth generated sexual images, indecent images of children and pornography use.
This dynamic and interactive course will equip practitioners with an invaluable insight of the range and types of TA-HSB, and importantly how best to report and respond to these concerns.
The content will include an overview of relevant research, legislation and statutory guidance relating to TA-HSB, and will include research findings on the impact of technology-assisted child sexual abuse on children and young people.
Learning Outcome
By the end of the course participants will:
- Understand what types of behaviours constitutes Technology-Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour
- Know how best to respond and report TA-HSB concerns
- Be confident in applying relevant legislation and professional guidance
- Recognise and acknowledge the impact of technology-assisted child sexual abuse on children and young people.
To Book Please Click Here

Child Protection (CP) Conference Training
- Tuesday 11th February 2025 - 13:30 - 16:00
- Thursday 19th June 2025 - 13:30 - 16:00
Delivered at the Civic Offices, New Rd, Grays RM17 6SL
FREE Half Day
Multi-Agency Signs of Safety Course :-
Preparing for a Child Protection Conference using the Signs of Safety approach.
Who is this course for?
Training for all staff working with the children and young people of Thurrock with an active role in safeguarding
Signs of safety is Thurrock’s Model and Approach used within Children’s Social Care. This has radically changed the way we assess and manage risk and safeguarding of our young people.
All staff working in Children’s Services across the multi-agency partnership who have an active involvement within safeguarding should attend these sessions to learn about the programme, why it is being used and what it means for you.
You will know your roles and responsibilities
How to prepare for conference
What the parents and children’s expectations of you are
How to write a Danger Statement
What’s goes into a Sign Of Safety Conference report
Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without 48 hours’ notice will result in a £50 non-attendance fee.
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Training - Free Course
Tuesday 14th January 2025
10.00 till 13.00
Via MS Teams
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer front line practitioners the opportunity to attend FREE CAF Training.
This course provides practitioners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to participate fully in assessment and referral processes using the Thurrock Signs of Safety Framework.
This course will enable you to understand:
- What a CAF pre-assessment checklist is and when to use it
- The key principles of and background to the CAF
- How to undertake a CAF following the Signs of Safety (SoS) practice model
- When and when not to undertake the CAF
- The main stages in completing a CAF
- Identifying what a good CAF assessment looks like
- How the CAF interfaces with other assessments
- How to use a CAF to inform a specialist assessment
This course is intended all children's workforce practitioners, i.e., all staff who work with children, young people and their families.
To book onto this training, please click here
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Contextual Safeguarding Training - Safeguarding Adolescents Outside of the Family Home
Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Both sessions are from 09.30 till 16.00 and will be held via MS Teams
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer practitioners the opportunity to attend our free training in relation to Contextual Safeguarding.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the Contextual Safeguarding approach, its history and current position within the safeguarding system
- Consider the developmental period of adolescence and types of harm that takes place outside of the family home
- Examine the use of these approaches in relation to peer on peer abuse and child exploitation using case studies
- Learn from current research and practice examples in implementing this approach
- Consider how to apply this approach to our own work
- Signpost to further learning and resources
Training Format
This training is scheduled for a whole day and will follow the below format:-
- Prior to the training, you will receive a Teams link to access the training and you will also receive a WeTransfer link which contains the training materials required for the course.
- At different points throughout the day, the Trainer will give you time to leave the training session and watch the relevant PowerPoint presentation you received previously - please note that you will need to play the presentation as a slide show as each presentation will contain a video of the Trainer providing a narrative to the presentation. Can we please ask that when you receive the WeTransfer link, that you check that you are able to hear the video for each presentation.
- Once you have watched the presentation, you will re-join the training course where further discussions will take place and possibly some work being undertaken in breakout rooms.
Added Information:
- Your attendance at these sessions will be monitored and noted so that we can record that you have completed this training.
To book onto this training, please click here
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Domestic Abuse and Stalking Awareness Session
Thurrock Community Safety Partnership have commissioned the above free awareness sessions.
This is being delivered by Changing Pathways on:
- Thursday 14th November 2024
All sessions will be from 09:30 till 12:30 via MS Teams.
The session will include information on:-
- What is Domestic Abuse and Stalking?
- The signs of Domestic Abuse and Stalking.
- The effects of trauma.
- What risk assessments are used and why.
- Safety Plans - Features
- The work they do with survivors
- Recording client conversations
- How to hand a disclosure of abuse/stalking
To book your place, please click on the link here.

Whilst this training is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 non-attendance fee.
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
- I agree to complete the post course feedback at the end of the training session. I am aware that failure to complete this feedback will result in notification to my Manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership. I also understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership/Thurrock Community Safety Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 48 hours notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Gangs, Exploitation and Serious Youth Violence - The Thurrock Landscape - FREE EVENTS
Thursday 12th December 2024
Thursday 13th March 2025
All sessions - 10:00 till 12:00
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer practitioners the chance to attend a free half day training session offering insight to professionals across Thurrock into working effectively with young people at risk of, and involved with gangs, criminal exploitation and serious youth violence.
Gaining awareness of this local and national picture, what is available and all other associated risks - including the importance of working together, information sharing and balancing safeguarding concerns along with managing risk.
Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 non attendance fee.
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
- I agree to complete post course feedback which will be emailed through to me within 48 hours of the end of this training and will also complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my Certificate of Attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understanding that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership. I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
Data Protection
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Graded Care Profile 2 Training
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer you the opportunity to attend FREE training in relation to Graded Care Profile 2.
Wednesday 13th November 2024 - 09:00 - 16:00 - The Beehive Resource Centre, West St, Grays RM17 6XP
Tuesday 28th January 2025 - 09:00 - 16:00 - Family Hub, London Road Tilbury RM18 8EY
Thursday 3rd April 2025 - 09:00 - 16:00 - Family Hub, London Road Tilbury RM18 8EY
Thursday 15th May 2025 - 09:00 - 16:00 - Civic Offices, New Rd, Grays RM17 6SL
The Graded Care Profile 2 helps Practitioners measure the quality of care being given to a child. It is an assessment tool that helps them to spot anything that is putting that child at risk of harm.
It is important we find children who are at risk of harm as early as possible so we can get them the right help.
Graded Care Profile 2 shows:-
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- What needs to be changed
By working out what parents can do better, it is easier for the person working with a family to get them the right support to improve the life of their child.
Practitioners are specially trained to use the tool. They visit families at home to do an assessment, which is a bit like filling in a questionnaire. It is called Graded Care Profile because different aspects of family life are 'graded' on a scale of 1 to 5. Questions are broken down into four areas:-
- physical, such as quality of food, clothes and health
- safety, such as how safe the home is and if the child knows about things like road safety
- love, such as the relationship between the carer and child
- esteem, such as if a child is encouraged to learn and if they are praised for doing something good.
Graded Care Profile 2 is designed to be used with families where someone is concerned about the care of a child.
Thurrock LSCP are offering this training to anyone working with children and young people that need to assess neglect.
Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 charge.
By submitting the application you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration.
To book onto this training, please click here.
1. I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning.
2. I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
3. My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
4. I agree to complete post course feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
5. I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership and, should I be allocated a place, agree to bring the confirmation letter with me on the first day of the course. I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
6. For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without five working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutinty.
Mental Capacity Act Training (MCA)
Thursday 13th March 2025
Time 09:30 – 16:00
Venue: Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Rd, RM17 6SL
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is a vitally important piece of legislation, and one that makes a real difference to the lives of people who may lack mental capacity. It empowers people to make decisions for themselves wherever possible and protects people who lack capacity by providing a flexible framework that places individuals at the very heart of the decision-making process. It ensures that they participate as much as possible in any decisions made on their behalf, and that these are made in their best interests.
This MCA applies to people aged 16 and over and this training is specifically aimed at practitioners working with young adults transitioning into Adult Social Care Services. This course is suitable for: All managers and practitioners working with children, adults and families.
Topics covered:
- The 5 Principles of the MCA
- What is meant by lack of capacity and how to assess capacity
- How to make best interest interests decisions
- Understanding when to involve Adult Safeguarding Services and the threshold for intervention under s.42 of the Care Act
- Protection for those providing care and treatment under the MCA
- Restraint and Restriction and when this amounts to a Deprivation of Liberty
- Substituted decision making powers, such as AD, LPAs and deputes appointed by the Court of Protection
- Understanding when you need to involve an IMCA
- Understanding when cases need to go to the Court of Protection and when to seek further advice
View & Book
Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking - Free Training

Wednesday 11th December 2024
10.00 till 12.00
via MS Teams
Thurrock Community Safety Partnership and Thurrock Adults Safeguarding Board are delighted to offer free awareness training on the topic of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking. Delivered by colleagues at Essex Police the training will cover the following:-
- Organised Crime Group
- Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Overview
- Types of exploitation
- Signs of exploitation
- Victim barriers
- National Referral Mechanism/reporting concerns
To book, please click here
View & Book
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
- I agree to complete the post course feedback at the end of the training session. I am aware that failure to complete this feedback will result in notification to my Manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership. I also understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership/Thurrock Community Safety Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 48 hours notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Proactively Engaging Families who are uncertain (A Multi-Agency Approach) - Free training
Wednesday 11th December 2024
09.00 till 16.30
MS Teams
View & Book
Course Outline:
Working with a diverse range of families and/or communities, can pose a series of difficulties and challenges for individuals working in the wide range of children’s social care, public, private and third sector settings.
Whilst it is important to be vigilant to the small number of families who may be trying to deflect the attention of professionals away from deliberate harm being caused to a child, it is far more likely that behaviour that appears evasive, aggressive or to constitute disguised compliance it is far more likely that what is being seen is a result of families being nervous, afraid or reluctant to engage with professionals for a wide range of complex reasons such as previous poor experiences, fear, shame, pride, cultural differences or lack of awareness as to what the role of professionals might be. These responses often increase when moving from early help through the stages of child in need, child protection or care proceedings as families fear the consequences of statutory interventions.
Professionals need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to support families that are struggling to engage with services, to enable and empower, and where appropriate, de-escalate difficult interactions whilst still remaining focused on safeguarding the child. This programme explores the reasons people struggle to engage, looking at their situation through their lens and how to employ a range of person-centred and strengths-based skills to enable effective relational interventions to take place. Delegates will be prompted to consider the rights of individuals not to engage if they have capacity and the balance this creates between the right of individuals to make unwise decisions and the duty to protect children. Finally, delegates will have the opportunity to practice the skills involved in having difficult conversations and de-escalating potentially challenging interactions in practice.
Learning Methods
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- The opportunity to explore and understand why individuals and families may find it difficult to engage with professionals and some of the tools for over-coming this barrier.
- The skills to have difficult and challenging conversations with families engaged with services.
- The knowledge and skills for de-escalating a high risk situation should it occur.
Delegate Requirements
All delegates will need access to a laptop/desktop for the whole session, a functioning microphone and camera, and a strong stable internet connection to allow effective participation. Delegates will need a quiet place to work, largely free of interruptions so they can unmute to contribute.
Delegates will need to be present for the entire session unless by arrangement, this is to maximise their own learning and not detract from the experience of others. Where courses include a request for skills practice (i.e., Court Skills or Motivational Interviewing) taking part in the practice element of the course is mandatory.
Where possible delegates should be using the Microsoft Teams Desktop App and have ensured it is fully updated. Laptops/Desktops should have an up-to-date Browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge other browsers are not fully supported.
The pre-course materials will be sent to you prior to the training and it is advised that these are downloaded prior to the course and they will need them accessible on the day.
Please note – for health and safety reasons it is not appropriate to access these courses from a mobile phone. Whilst tablets can be used; delegates will find a laptop/desktop is easier as functionality on tablets are still limited.
Programme Outline
The programme for the session can be found by clicking here
To book onto this training, please click here
View & Book
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Professional Curiosity in a multi-agency context - Free Training
Wednesday 15th January 2025
09.30 till 16.30
MS Teams
View & Book
Course Outline:
A lack of Professional Curiosity across public and third sector organisations is often highlighted in Serious Case Reviews as a key factor in professionals not having safeguarded vulnerable children and adults as effectively as they could have. This multi-agency training event brings together colleagues from across the area to work together in increasing their collective ability to be professionally curious. This course takes a strengths-based systemic approach, that is underpinned by the concept that professionals working together and communicating effectively within a culture of supportive peer challenge can achieve a holistic response to children and their families that maximises the positives and proactively reduces and manages risk.
This course will encourage delegates to consider how they can critically reflect and analyse situations to understand what is happening in a family rather than making assumptions and taking situations at face value. The course covers factors that support and promote professional curiosity in practice as well as identifying obstacles to professional curiosity and practical strategies to ensure that curiosity is maintained and utilised in all areas of practice. Areas included using genograms, ecomaps and a think family approach, maximising effective multi-agency working by creating opportunities to co-work, communicate and challenge and raising awareness of professional grooming, boundaries and transference that can hamper professional curiosity. The overarching framework for this approach is the Signs of Safety Model adopted by Thurrock which promotes professional curiosity as a core value, a tool and an approach to safeguarding children.
This course briefly explores using professional curiosity to engage families reluctant to work with professionals, which is covered in more detail in the ‘Successfully engaging families who are reluctant to work with services’ course.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- To understand what professional curiosity looks like and why it matters.
- To understand what promotes or hinders professional curiosity.
- To use professional curiosity to have empathy for families struggling to engage and support them to do so.
- To be able to utilise a range of tools that increase curiosity when working with families including:
- The signs of safety framework
- 3-generation genograms/eco-maps
- Systemic approaches to understanding risk
- How to triangulate information to identify risks and strengths
- To feel empowered to challenge other services constructively and in a way that is effective in increasing collective professional curiosity
Delegate Requirements
All delegates will need access to a laptop/desktop for the whole session, a functioning microphone and camera, and a strong stable internet connection to allow effective participation. Delegates will need a quiet place to work, largely free of interruptions so they can unmute to contribute.
Delegates will need to be present for the entire session unless by arrangement, this is to maximise their own learning and not detract from the experience of others. Where courses include a request for skills practice (i.e., Court Skills or Motivational Interviewing) taking part in the practice element of the course is mandatory.
Where possible delegates should be using the Microsoft Teams Desktop App and have ensured it is fully updated. Laptops/Desktops should have an up-to-date Browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge other browsers are not fully supported.
The pre-course materials will be sent to you prior to the training and it is advised that these are downloaded prior to the course and they will need them accessible on the day.
Please note – for health and safety reasons it is not appropriate to access these courses from a mobile phone. Whilst tablets can be used; delegates will find a laptop/desktop is easier as functionality on tablets are still limited.
Programme Outline
The programme for the session can be found by clicking here
To book onto this training, please click here
View & Book
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
View & Book
Recognising and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment
Wednesday 12th March 2025
- 09.15 till 16.00
via MS Teams
View & Book
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to announce further dates for our Recognising and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse in the family environment Training course.
This course is for anyone who works with Children and Families who would benefit from being able to recognise, assess/refer and support children who are or are suspected of suffering from child sexual abuse which takes place in the family home. This course includes discussion around sibling abuse as well as looking at the impact of the abuse on all members of the family.
The course aim is that practitioners will be more confident in their safeguarding actions in relation to this challenging area of work and have tools which they can take away to assist them in their work.
- To have an understanding of the typology and prevalence of intra-familial child sexual abuse, including sibling abuse
- Have considered how attitudes and beliefs around sexual development can have an influence on our ability to safeguard
- Have an overview of the legal and statutory guidance as well as local protocols in relation to child sexual abuse.
- Have considered the common factors for families where child sexual abuse is a feature
- Have learnt to recognise the indicators of CSA including behavioural and physical markers
- Have considered the impact of this type of abuse on children, siblings, and parents, both short and long term
- Have an awareness of good practice and relevant agencies who can offer support and interventions around for children and families
Training Format
This training is scheduled for a whole day and will follow the below format:-
- Prior to the training, you will receive a Teams link to access the training and you will also receive a WeTransfer link which contains the training materials required for the course.
- At different points throughout the day, the Trainer will give you time to leave the training session and watch the relevant PowerPoint presentation you received previously – please note that you will need to play this as a slide show as each presentation will contain a video of the Trainer providing a narrative to the presentation. Can we please ask that when you receive the WeTransfer link, that you check that you are able to hear the video for each presentation.
- Once you have watched the presentation, you will re-join the training course where further discussions will take place and possibly some work being undertaken in break out rooms.
Additional Information:
There will be a charge for attending this training. The charges are set out below. Participants are expected to complete all learning prior to the training and attend the training for its entirety. Places will be allocated to ensure a variety of agencies are able to attend, if you have been booked onto this training, you will receive an email from the LSCP Business Team. Could we please ask that if you are not in receipt of this that you do not attend.
By submitting the application you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration.
To book onto this training, please click here to complete the online application form
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By submitting your application form, you are agreeing to the below:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
- I agree to complete post-course feedback at the end of the training session and will complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership and, should I be allocated a place, agree to bring the confirmation letter with me on the first day of the course. I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 48 hours notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
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Signs of Safety 1 day training - FREE COURSE
Tuesday 4th March 2025
via MS Teams - 09.30 till 12.30
‘Signs of Safety' is a relationship grounded, strengths orientated approach that was originally developed to support effective Child Protection practice.
This is a one day course for anyone working with children and families;
for example:
• A Lead Professional, involved in Team Around a Family or Family Network meetings, attending Child Protection Conferences or Core Groups working with children and young people who are in care, involved with Think Family or safeguarding services.
Learning Outcomes
- Be familiar with the principles and disciplines underpinning Signs of Safety
- Understand how to use the Signs of Safety approach including assessment and analysis (mapping) with children, young people, families and colleagues
- Consider how you may be able to support
- Be familiar with a range of tools and methods to actively involve children, young people and families in assessment and planning so that their voice and experience is central to the process
- Have considered how you could use the Signs of Safety approach
- This training will be offered online via MS Teams
- Participants will be sent a link to access the training and training materials including handouts and links to other resources
- This is an interactive training where participants are encouraged to consider how the content and process can apply to their own experience. We will also use breakout rooms for shared discussion and reflection
Further information can be found at
To book onto this training, please click here
Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 non attendance fee.
By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
- I agree to complete post course feedback which will be emailed through to me within 48 hours of the end of this training and will also complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my Certificate of Attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understanding that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership. I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
Data Protection
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Managing Stress and Building Resilience in teams, A Course for Staff with Line Management Responsibilities - A Course for Managers
Thursday 9th January 2025 - FULL DAY 9:30 - 16:00
via MS Teams
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Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer Managers the opportunity attend this free training.
This course has been developed for Managers to support understanding and recognition of the impact of stress on wellbeing, including the potential for Vicarious and Secondary Trauma. For staff working with a traumatised population, Rachel Remen describes the inevitable impact as .... "It's like walking through water and expecting not to get wet"
Research has shown that there are techniques and support strategies that Managers and organisations can take to decrease likelihood of Vicarious and Secondary Trauma, increase resilience and wellbeing and improve staff wellbeing, performance and retention.
This course will cover:
- What scientific evidence has taught us about stress in the mind and body
- How managers can significantly influence the stress levels in their teams
- What we mean by the terms Burnout, Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma, Moral Injury and how to recognise and reduce it
- Who in the team might be vulnerable to secondary trauma and high stress levels and and how we can support the team effectively
- We will share good practice suggestions for managers from “checking in” to building positivity in the team
- We will practice techniques to support ourselves to increase our own resilience to stress
- How to access the "rest and repair" part of our nervous system for improved short and long term mental and physical health
This course will take place via Teams and will be a mixture of pre-recorded material, a handbook and live interactive sessions.
Please note that whilst this course is free, failure to attend without 5 working days notice will result in a £50 non attendance fee.
To book onto this training, please click here
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By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
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Think Family Training - Free Event

Thursday 29th June 2023 - 14.00 till 16.00
Tuesday 17th October 2023 - 09.30 till 11.30
Tuesday 23rd January 2024 - 09.30 till 11.30
Tuesday 16th April 2024 - 09.30 till 11.30
via MS Teams
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This free course is intended for all children's workforce practitioners (all staff who work with children, young people and their families).
Providing the knowledge, skills and confidence in understanding the Think Family approach adopted by Thurrock Children Services as an overarching principle.
This course will enable you to understand the key principles and background to the Think Family approach including:
- Knowledge around relationship and evidence-based interventions used with children and families
- Introduction to parenting support being provided, including the importance of including fathers
- Overview of parenting assessment templates used within Thurrock Children Services
- To develop an understanding of the importance of Family Network Meetings considering a Signs of Safety (SoS) practice model
- An awareness of 'family time' supervised contact for children and their families.
Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without 5 working days notice will result in a £50 charge.
To book onto this training, please click here
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By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
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Trauma Informed Practice Training
Tuesday 14th January 2025
Tuesday 13th March 2025
09.15 TILL 16.15
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Thurrock LSCP are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to undertake FREE Trauma Informed Practice Training.
Here is what some people have said about this course
“ I absolutely loved this training”, “ very relevant and beneficial”
In this course we will look at
- What is trauma and how does that differ to ACES
- How do these fear states do to our nervous system and developing brain
- What does Trauma Informed Practice mean to the way we work
- How do people recover from trauma
- What techniques can we use at each stage of recovery to support adults and children along the process.
- What are they symptoms of Secondary and Vicarious trauma in staff and how to minimise the risks
To book onto this training, please click here
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By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up survey six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
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Managing Stress and Building Resilience – A Course for Multi-Agency Staff
Tuesday 18th March 2025 09:30 - 16:00
via MS Teams
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This course has been developed to support understanding, recognition and management of the impact of stress on wellbeing and mental health. We will consider and practice a variety of ways to reduce stress and resilience, taking a mind and body approach. Using current research, we will explore simple and easy techniques which can be implemented in your day to day routines, including how to reduce the risk of burnout and vicarious and secondary Trauma.
"Its like walking through water and expecting not to get wet" Rachel Remen
This course will cover
- What scientific evidence has taught us about stress manifests in the mind and body
- How our work can impact on our stress levels, including working with other people's stress and trauma.
- We will define the terms Burnout, Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma, and Moral Injury and how and why people might experience these states
- How we might recognise the symptoms in ourselves and colleagues
- What good practice tells us about support for staff, personally and organisationally
- We will practice techniques to support ourselves to increase our own resilience to stress
- How to access the "rest and repair" part of our nervous system for improved short and long term mental and physical health
This course will cover both theory and physical practice and will be delivered through a mix of pre recorded material and live sessions in Teams.
Please note that whilst this course is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 non attendance fee.
To book onto this training, please click here
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By submitting the application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration:-
- I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
- I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
- My Line Manager has agreed to me undertaking this training.
- I agree to complete initial feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up feedback six weeks later. I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.
- I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.
- I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
- For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
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Visiting Thurrock Refuge

What is a refuge?
A refuge is a safe house where women and children who are experiencing domestic abuse can stay.
What is it like to stay in a refuge?
This is an opportunity for professionals working in Thurrock to visit the local refuge. Attendees will be shown around and get a clearer picture of refuge life. The host will detail how the process works from a victim entering and their journey whilst staying at the refuge.
This visiting opportunity is available to those who may have involvement with women or children experiencing domestic abuse, for example referring a women to a refuge or those who may have to offer other types of support to women or children experiencing domestic abuse or residing in refuge.
Please note that the exact address will be provided nearer the date of the visit, the location is within Grays.
- Monday 7th October 2024 - 10:30 till 12:00
Spaces will be limited to five people per session.
To take advantage of this opportunity, please click here
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In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development. This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies. It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.
Working Effectively with Children in Situations of Neglect
Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer practitioners the opportunity to attend this FREE two day neglect course. This training will take place across non consecutive days and you must attend both sessions in full
Tuesday 21st January and Tuesday 11th February 2025
All sessions will be from 09.00 till 16.30 and will be held via MS Teams.
Course Outline:
The impact of neglect can be far reaching for the child or young person, from developmental delay to child sexual exploitation, serious medical issues or mental health concerns. With an estimated 1 in 10 children experiencing neglect, 29,000 children in 2019/2020 being registered on a Child Protection Plan with Neglect as the primary reason and 23,000 cases of child cruelty being recorded by the Police, the NSPCC highlights neglect as a significant risk to the wellbeing and safety of Children in the UK. Neglect was also a feature in 35% of fatal Serious Case Reviews (NSPCC 2021). It is therefore vital that staff are able to identify, intervene and safeguard children and young people where neglect may be an issue.
Utilising DfE (2014), NSPCC (2015), Children's Society (2016) and Nice Guidance (2017), this two day-Programme aims to support staff to develop the knowledge and skills needed to not only recognise neglect but to effectively assess and support children who may be living in situations of neglect, as well as to know when and how to escalate concerns. This will briefly include an explanation of the Graded Care Profile 2 Tool; however, this training does not duplicate the GCP2 training or equip participants to use the tool. This course covers how to evidence cumulative harm where it is necessary to demonstrate the impact neglect is having on a child over time.
Learning Outcomes
Participants completing this course will be able to:
- Give and understand a comprehensive definition of what constitutes neglect
- Understand types of neglect and the implications for child development
- Recognise signs of neglect using child development/attachment theories
- Understand the impact on children living in low-warmth, high criticism families
- Understanding cumulative neglect and the impact on development/attachment
- Identify strategies for intervening in neglect cases
- Be able to understand an accurate assessment of good enough parenting
- Understand the legal context for intervening in neglect cases
To book onto this training, please click here. Please note that you will need to be available to attend both sessions of the training. Failure to attend both days will result in a £50 non-attendance charge.
Learning Methods
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Delegate Requirements
All delegates will need access to a laptop/desktop for the whole session, a functioning microphone and camera, and a strong stable internet connection to allow effective participation. Delegates will need a quiet place to work, largely free of interruptions so they can unmute to contribute. Delegates will need to be present for the entire session unless by arrangement, this is to maximise their own learning and not detract from the experience of others. Where courses include a request for skills practice (i.e., Court Skills or Motivational Interviewing) taking part in the practice element of the course mandatory.
Where possible delegates should be using the Microsoft Teams Desktop App and have ensured it is fully updated. Laptops/Desktops should have an up-to-date browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge other browsers are not fully supported. We require the work/teams email addresses of the delegates 7 days prior to the training to allow us to send calendar invites, joining instructions and course materials. Delegates are advised to download the resources prior to the course and will need them accessible on the day.
For customers who have a large or specialist contracts with us, we are also able to create a resource library for your organisation within out MS Teams Platform, delegates can 'opt in' to this added value service and they will be given a 'DCC-I Guest Account' and details on how to join it.
Please note - for health and safety reasons it is not appropriate to access these courses from a mobile phone. Whilst tablets can be used; delegates will find a laptop/desktop is easier as functionality on tablets are still limited.
Diverse Needs:
At DCC-I we are happy to support delegates with any additional learning needs. Any learning or other needs should be notified to at least 48 hours prior to the course commencing to allow time for for the preparation of any specific materials.
Programme overview:
Day 1
9:30 - Welcome and Introductions.
9:45 - Why look at this Topic?
Learning from Serious Case Reviews
Risks to the well-being of Neglected Children.
10:30 - What is Neglect?
Working Together 2018
Medical Neglect
Nutritional Neglect
Emotional Neglect
11:30 - BREAK
11:45 - What is Neglect?
Educational Neglect
Physical Neglect
Lack of supervision and guidance
12:30 - LUNCH
13:30 - Why Does Neglect Matter?
Impact on the Brain
Impact on the Body
Impact on Learning
14:30 - BREAK
14:45 - Why Does Neglect Matter?
Impact on Emotional Development
Cumulative Harm
15:30 - What is Good Enough Parenting?
Dimensions of Parenting Capacity
Child Development - Ages and Stages
Teenage Neglect
16:30 - CLOSE
9:30 - Welcome and Introductions
9:45 - Recap of Learning from Day 1
10:15 - How do we Assess Neglect?
Models of Assessment
Tools for Assessing (Including GP2 and Signs of Safety)
Nice Recommendations
11:15 - BREAK
11:30 - What areas do we need to assess/consider?
Parenting Capacity
Parental Mental Health
Parental Substance Use
Domestic Abuse
12:30 - LUNCH
13:30 - What areas do we need to assess/consider?
Parental Learning Disability
Disability and Neglect
Family and Environment
Culture and Safeguarding
14:30 - BREAK
14:45 - How do we intervene?
Why interventions fail
Assessing Parenting Capacity
Resistance and Motivation
15:30 - How do we intervene?
Using Chronologies
Working with the wider family network
Intervening with fathers and males in the family
Escalating Cases if strategies are unsuccessful
16:30 - CLOSE
Diversity Matters
Diversity Matters
- Tuesday 12th November 2024.
- Tuesday 25th March 2025.
Time: 14:00pm – 16:00pm.
Delivered Via MS Teams
Delivered by: Diversity Role Models is a dynamic charity whose vision is a world where everyone embraces diversity and can thrive. Our mission is to promote understanding and acceptance of individual differences and end LGBTQ+ bullying in schools and wider communities. We do this by harnessing the power of storytelling and delivering pioneering educational workshops.
Target Audience: All practitioners working children, young people and families
Course Aim (description): The session will cover knowledge of different identities and experiences in the LGBTQ+ community; multiple identities and communities and protection from discrimination under the Equality Act 2010; fostering good relationships between communities as to create a thriving and safe wider community for everyone; the impact of language, bias, and prejudice on inclusion; how to feel confident and be inclusive in challenging situations; being an upstander and active ally to LGBTQ+ inclusion and inclusion in general, individually and collectively. The session will include open discussion and the lived experience of diverse role models covering the impact of discrimination and the value of allyship, allowing the audience to ask questions to facilitators and members of the community.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion, participants will feel confident to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity; engage with people from diverse communities and with multiple identities; and recognise and challenge homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic incidents. Participants will have a more in depth understanding of bias and learn how to embed inclusion into their practice.
To Book Please Click Here

E-Learning Training Courses
E-Learning Courses

Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer during 2022/23 a wider range of E-Learning courses which are available across the multi-agency partnership.
More information on the details of each course are available on the individual pages or by clicking here and downloading our E-Learning Training Brochure.
These e-learning courses are free however, failure to complete them within 30 days from the date of allocation, will result in a £15 charge.
For more information, please refer to the LSCP Learning and Development Events Programme Charging Policy.
To apply for one of the courses, please click the link below.
Once the form has been received by the LSCP Business Team, login details will be sent through to you.
Trio of Vulnerabilities
Course Description
This course describes the massive impact domestic abuse, parental mental health issues and parental substance abuse can have on both vulnerable children, young people and the parents themselves.
This course will help the learner define what the Trio of Vulnerabilities means and it's effects. This will help to guide learners on how to deal with suspected cases.
This course contains information and resources to enable practitioners to define and identify the effects of such abuse and act accordingly.
This course covers the following:
- Definition of the Trio of Vulnerabilities itself
- Statistics, facts and figures, and research into the Trio of Vulnerabilities
- The impact the Trio of Vulnerabilities can have on children, and on adults' parenting ability
- NICE guidelines about alcohol misuse and drug misuse
- Vulnerabilities for substance misuse
- The risk and impact to children and adolescents: health, increased vulnerability, development
- Guidance, how to assess risk, strengths-based practice, information sharing and interventions
- Working Together
This course uses immersive real-world scenarios to help professionals apply knowledge into everyday life. These real world scenarios and the supporting case studies will enable learners to see how their training can apply to them in their role. A key aim of this training is to provide learners
SET Child Exploitation E-Learning Training - updated December 2023
Child Exploitation E-Learning Training

In partnership with Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit and the Southend and Essex Boards, we have launched a new e-learning package to support anyone who would like to improve their knowledge and understanding of exploitation.
The e-learning package is free to access for those working or volunteering in Thurrock, Southend and Essex and includes three modules that cover exploitation awareness, child exploitation and adult exploitation.
The purpose of the e-learning package is to raise awareness about all types of exploitation and to help people recognise the potential signs of exploitation, covering aspects such as grooming, adolescent brain development, modern day slavery and contextual safeguarding.
To undertake this free course, please click here
Please note that you will need to register to be able to access the e-learning training.
SET Partnership Child Exploitation Pathway
The SET Partnership Child Exploitation Pathway has been developed to support those working with, and identifying, individuals at risk of serious violence or exploitation. The pathway compliments the e-learning package (detailed above) and will give Practitioners the tools they need to identify factors that could indicate exploitation and to make decisions regarding referrals where child exploitation is suspected.
The tool gives a pathway indicator for each local area which sets out appropriate courses of action for those needing support. It will be used within statutory agencies as a universal pathway which means there is a consistent tool across the whole of Essex which all workers will use.
An awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse

This Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse course explores the types of and risk factors of domestic violence and abuse, the physical and psychological effects and the behaviours displayed by an abusive person. In addition, learn about the MARAC process and the best practises for supporting those experiencing domestic violence.
Course description
This course covers a wide range of information and guidance for all those working with individuals, both child and adult, who are vulnerable to domestic abuse or suffering from it.
The modules in this product have been created with victims in mind and will inform learners about domestic violence, and how to support those experiencing it.
This wide-ranging course is designed to give the maximum amount of information and guidance to those who are working with victims of domestic abuse or those who may be vulnerable to domestic abuse.
This training course covers a wide range of topics such as:
- Types of domestic violence and abuse
- Risk factors for domestic abuse
- Situations which can make domestic abuse more likely
- The Power and Control Wheel
- The Domestic Abuse Intervention Project
- Key principles for helping victims
- The impact of domestic abuse on children, young people and vulnerable adults
- Barriers to seeking help, and how to address them
- The MARAC Process(Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conferences) and the Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)
- The government’s Violence Against Women And Girls Strategy (2010)
- The importance of confidentiality but also effective information sharing
The course also includes infographics, interactive scenarios and challenges to engage learners whilst giving them the ability to check their knowledge as the course proceeds.
Throughout this training learners are also provided with statistics around domestic violence, best practice guidance for helping individuals and principles for working with domestic abuse victims.
Who is this course for?
The Virtual College Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse course is appropriate for anyone who works closely with children or vulnerable adults. This could be social workers, teachers, healthcare staff or youth workers, for example.
After completing this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate, which you can print for your records.
Course duration
The Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse course should take one to two hours to complete, but our e-learning courses are entirely self-paced, so this depends on your individual learning speed.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this training, please click here
Child Poverty
Course description
Anyone working with children and families maybe exposed to children in poverty. Being able to identify children in poverty is a crucial step to help them and their families out of poverty and support them in the future.
The modules in this course provides information on the potential causes of poverty, how to help children and their families, guidance on multi-agency working and the learners roles and responsibilities as a practitioner.
This course is for anyone who is working or will be working with children who may be in poverty or vulnerable to poverty. This training covers the following topics:
- The difference between relative poverty and absolute poverty
- The growth of inequality and cult of entitlement
- Statistics for poverty within the UK
- The Alston: United Nations Report 2018
- The impact, both immediate and long term, of poverty on children
- The effect of poverty on brain development and other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
- How to help
- Your role as practitioner
- Multi-agency working
- How to provide support or help people access available support
The course contains case studies, case reviews, and examples of appropriate guidance. It has links to relevant external organisations and the Alston report. Videos and challenges make the course interactive and imaginative.
You will learn:-
- The definition of relative and absolute poverty
- The economic inequality in the UK
- The impact of poverty on children
- How to understand your role and multi-agency working
- Safeguarding with regard to child poverty
- Best practice
Who is it for?
This course is aimed at Teachers, Social Workers, Health Workers, Care Workers, Pastoral Care, Nurses and Receptionists.
After completing this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate, which you can print for your records.
Course duration
The Child Poverty Abuse course should take one to two hours to complete, but our e-learning courses are entirely self-paced, so this depends on your individual learning speed.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To apply for this course, please click here
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of child abuse that is defined as an individual or group that coerces, manipulates or deceives a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity. This can be for something the victim wants or needs or it can be for a financial advantage to the perpetrator.
This training has been designed for those working with vulnerable children or young people and covers the effects and impacts of sexual exploitation of children. Through up to date information on CSE, learning challenges and scenarios for an interactive learning experience.
Ensuring you can identify the signs and symptoms of Child Sexual Exploitation is crucial for anyone working with children. This topic is extremely challenging to deal with as there are a vast number of potential scenarios and the signs of abuse might not be clear.
This online training has been designed for all those working with vulnerable children and gives both information and guidance on sexual exploitation. It covers the following topics:-
- Definition of child sexual exploitation
- Who are the perpetrators?
- Ways in which children and young people can be sexually exploited
- Up to date information and numbers of child protection and sexual exploitation in the UK
- 'Going missing' and other factors for vulnerability
- Indicator behaviours and signs, and the Push Pull effect
- The impact of sexual exploitation on children and young people
- The cycle of risk
- Risk assessment
- Grooming of children for sexual exploitation
- Human trafficking
The course also includes challenges for learners to check their understanding as the course proceeds, case studies showing abuse, an interactive scenario and ree resource downloads including printable risk assessments.
Who is it for?
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Pastoral workers
- Healthcare workers
- Social workers
- Councillors
On completion of this course you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Approximately 1 - 2 hours. The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this training, please click here
Level 1 - Safeguarding Everyone

Level 1 Safeguarding Everyone will help you to better understand how to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk effectively within your role. The course allows learners to understand the importance of multi-agency cooperation, whistleblowing and how cases of abuse have impacted the legislation.
Course Description
This course will give you the knowledge and skills to ensure you can help safeguard not only those you are directly responsible for, but everyone you have contact with whilst carrying out your duties.
This information packed course emphasises how important it is for everyone to always ensure the safety and security of anyone in their care, or whom they encounter as part of their role.
It will help you to better understand how to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk effectively within your role.
The overall learning outcomes being:-
- Be able to recognise the signs of abuse
- Be able to respond appropriately to suspected or alleged abuse
- Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices.
The course explains key definitions such as Safeguarding, Vulnerable Child and Adult at risk.
It explains what Child or Adult abuse, or maltreatment is and covers the ten types of abuse you should be aware of, including some less well-known types such as Financial Abuse. Providing useful information on each of the ten. It also explains that some people are more vulnerable to or at risk of abuse.
A key aspect covered is how to respond to abuse, what steps to follow if you have concerns or anyone discloses to you that they are being abused.
This aspect of how to respond also includes Recording and Reporting abuse what to do if you have concerns about the wellbeing of a child, young person or adult at risk and you think they are a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty.
This course covers key legislation and guidance such as the Safeguarding Children 2018 guidance or the Care Act 2014.
In summary, the course covers:-
- What is safeguarding?
- Types of abuse
- Signs and symptoms of abuse
- Responding to abuse
The course is user friendly with interactive, engaging content including video and challenges to check your knowledge. It also has an innovative "Safe Place" if you need a little escape from the content.
Who is it for?
Roles including:-
- Receptionists
- Administrators
- Caterers
- Transport Staff
- Maintenance Staff
- Volunteers
- Domestic Staff
- Porters
- Community Pharmacist Counter Staff
- Teachers
- Safeguarding teams
30 minutes to 1 hour study time.
Entry requirements
There are no specific entry requirements for this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Early Help and CAF

Course Description
This course includes challenges to test the learner's ongoing knowledge, videos and interactivity to retain interest, examples of early help in schools and colleges, downloads of relevant reading and reports including the Victoria Climbie inquiry, and full details about using the CAF form.
Early help or early intervention involves supporting families when a problem first occurs and can be utilised at any point in a child or young persons life.
Early help can have massively positive impacts on a childs future development and is therefore crucial that anyone working with children, young people or their families understands the importance of early help.
This wide ranging CAF safeguarding course is designed to help all those working with children, adults and families who could benefit from Early Help.
It covers information sharing and its ramifications, the definition of early help and how to access it, and is suitable for social workers, youth and family workers, teachers, and anyone working with possibly vulnerable children, young people, adults and families.
Topics covered in this CAF training course include:
- The definition and importance of information sharing, when it is necessary and appropriate
- Types of information
- Confidentiality, information security and GDPR
- What can be achieved by information sharing
- The difference between sharing information about children and about adults and the specific needs of children
- The definition of 'early help' identifying who might need it, and what assessments involve
- When and how a child, young person, adult or family might be vulnerable
- The Toxic Trio
- Definition, background and purpose of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
- How to use the CAF in practice, including the CAF form
- Legislation covering all the above
- Numbers and statistics as relevant
This CAF online training course includes challenges to test the learner's ongoing knowledge, videos and interactivity to retain interest, examples of early help in
Fabricated Illness

Course Description
The course also contains reference to real life cases, challenges to check the learners' understanding throughout the course, case studies, and downloads of supplementary guidance, and a guide for pediatricians. It is suitable for those working with children and in healthcare.
Fabricated Induced Illness (FII) is a rare form of child abuse that can often go unnoticed. The signs and symptoms of abuse are very widespread which makes it difficult to identify. It is therefore important that anyone working with children is aware of this abuse and knows what to look for if they suspect this type of abuse.
This course describes the symptoms of FII and the risk factors that can lead to it, and includes case studies, guidance for practitioners.
It also gives learners in-depth information on what they need to be aware of when dealing with fabricated illness and the best practice to help children in this situation. This training covers a wide range of topics including:
- The definition of FII, and other names by which it is known
- Description of the main components of FII: induced illness and fabricated illness
- The indicators of fabricated illness and induced illness
- The impact of FII
- Information sharing
- Risk factors that can increase the likelihood of FII
- Guidance for practitioners
This course also contains reference to real life cases, challenges to check the learners' understanding throughout the course, case studies and downloads of supplementary guidance, and a guide for pediatricians. It is suitable for those working with children and in healthcare.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Care workers
- Social workers
- Council workers
- Nursery staff
- Nurses
- Pastoral care
This course takes approximately one to two hours to complete.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Female Genital Mutilation - FGM - (abuse linked to Faith or Belief)
This FGM (abuse linked to Faith or Belief) course explores, with the use of real-world scenarios, the terminology, definitions and types of FGM, origins and main justifications, legislations relating to issues in the course, how to identify this abuse and how the law protects victims. Topics covered include honour-based violence, forced marriage and abuse linked to faith or belief and abuse from Spirit possession.
Course Description
This wide-ranging course covers FGM, abuse linked to faith or belief and forced marriage.
This course helps learns to understand the links between these issues, provides information on how to identify vulnerable people, and how to report and act on such knowledge.
It is specifically designed to help people coming into contact with young people and their families during the course of their work to promote good safeguarding practice, whilst being culturally aware.
The prevalence of FGM, abuse linked to faith or belief, and forced marriage is a very serious problem, and anyone who works with vulnerable adults, children and young people needs to be aware of its indicators and consequences. This course offers information on these various types of abuse in a clear format, using videos and real-life scenarios.
What's included in this training?
This online training course covers a wide range of topics to give learners in-depth knowledge of FGM, abuse linked to faith or belief and forced marriage, and the signs and symptoms for each. Areas covered in this training include:
- Definitions of FGM, its terminology and types, its origin, and the justification for it
- How it is carried out
- Prevalence of FGM and related statistics
- Legislation relating to issues in these courses
- Guidance for practitioners
- The definition of child abuse linked to faith or belief, and abuse from spirit possession
- Definition of honour-based violence and its link to forced marriage
- Prevalence and consequences of honour-based violence
- Definition of forced marriage
- Indicators and consequences of forced marriage
Why take this training course?
This online course uses immersive real-world scenarios to help learners absorb more information and enable them to apply the techniques and learning into their workplace.
There are challenges within each section of this course to test the knowledge gained throughout the course.
There are also links provided to relevant agencies and organisations which supply more information and advice so learners can further develop their knowledge once their training is completed.
This course is suitable for those working with children, young people and adults in safeguarding, teachers, or various volunteer roles.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Healthcare Professionals
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Nurses
- Councillors
- Support workers
- Volunteers
This course takes approximately three to four hours to complete.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocations will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Safer Recruitment

This Safer Recruitment online training course is designed for those who are responsible for hiring people who work with children. Safer Recruitment training online will teach you what is meant by safer recruitment and the practices involved, which legislation underpins safer recruitment, as well as cases where safer recruitment practices could have prevented abuse, how to assess the suitability of candidates, the 6 NHS employment check standards and their processes.
Course Description
Safer Recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for hiring anyone who works with children, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing children.
It’s crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including:
- advertising
- application forms
- selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented
- post-interview checks before making an offer of employment.
Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.
This course is a set of safe principles covering the essentials areas of safer recruitment including:
- An overview of recruitment
- How to communicate with applicants
- Preparing job and personnel specifications
- Application forms, advertising and references
- Pre-interview checks and selecting candidates for interview
- DBS checks and enhanced checking, pre employment checks (PEC)
- Induction, training, and supervision of new staff
- Relevant legislation
- How adults and children might become at risk
This course includes case examples, and challenges to help professionals check their knowledge and apply it into everyday working life. This course is suitable for people working in roles in HR and those involved in recruitment of staff.
Having a greater understanding of safer recruitment best practices are crucial for anyone who work in an environment where children and young people or vulnerable adults are present. It is very important that extra care is taken to ensure people are safe to work in such environment when recruiting or managing new members of staff. Safer recruitment is designed for safeguarding children and young people - also to ensure that staff follow a clear code of conduct and mitigate inappropriate behaviours in new staff members.
Who is it for?
- Academy trusts
- Agency staff
- Full time workers
- Governing bodies
- Governors
- Head teachers
- Human resources staff
- Part time workers
- Teacher assistant
- Teachers
- Voluntary staff
Applicable to the following places of work:
- Academies
- Care homes
- Children’s homes
- Free schools
- Higher education establishments
- Hospitals
- Independent schools
- Law firms
- Nurseries
- Primary schools
- Pupil referral units
- Secondary schools
- SEN schools
- Sports clubs
After completing this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate, which you can print for your records.
Course duration
The Safer Recruitment course should take two hours to complete, but the e-learning courses are entirely self-paced, so this depends on your individual learning speed.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Gang Related Issues and County Lines
This online course has been designed to give learners a better understanding of gang issues and county lines by looking at these terms, what they mean and the signs and symptoms of abuse. This online CPD approved safeguarding training also looks at Child Criminal Exploitation, (CCE), its definition and how to recognise it and much more.
Course Description
This course aims to give learners a deeper understanding of gang related issues and define what these key terms mean. This training will also help learners to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse and what to do if they suspect a child or young person is becoming involved in gang activities.
County lines is another crucial issue related to gang activities, within this training learners will gain an understanding of this issue and how it can differ from other gang related activities.
This course covers gang related issues for children and young people, defines and explains 'county lines' and its links to organised criminal networks, defines Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE), and enables you to spot the signs of those involved with gangs or at risk of being drawn into gangs. It gives details of other organisations that are able to provide help and support and gives guidance on actions to take if you suspect of become aware of gang related issues.
Topics covered in this module include:
- Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)
- Spotting the signs and characteristics of those involved with gangs, and 'pull factors' that could indicate vulnerability of children and young people
- Definition of 'county lines exploitation' and its connection to human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour, how to recognise signs of activity
- Definitions of gang terminology
- Links between gangs and knife crime
- What to do if you suspect gang involvement
- The National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
Case studies and videos are used to illustrate the information contained in the courses. There are also challenges to check your knowledge of the information covered.
Who is it for?
- Social workers
- Care workers
- Pastoral care
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Healthcare Professionals
This course takes approximately one to two hours to complete.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course if free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Safer Sleeping for Babies

Course Description
Greater awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is one of the most effective ways to reduce cases. This course is designed to do just that whilst ensuring learners gain knowledge on practical and effective ways to reduce the risks.
This course gives up to date information on how to make sleeping safer for babies and gives advice on lowering the chance of SUDC (Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood).
It gives a wide range of information and guidance, and is aimed at health workers, nursery workers, and those working with babies and new parents.
A wide range of topics are covered throughout this training including:-
- The definitions of SUDI, SIDS and SUDC and how they differ
- Tackling unexplained deaths, and reducing their number
- The agencies and individuals who can help to reduce the risk
- The triple risk model
- Descriptions of environmental risks and how to avoid or reduce them
- Advice to give to parents on how to avoid SIDS
- Strategies for safer sleeping
- SIDS and smoking
- How to regulate babies' temperature
- The dangers of co-sleeping and bed-sharing
The course also covers up to date statistics, facts and figures to help learners understand the current levels of SIDS.
It provides links to organisations that can provide information and help, such as the Lullaby Trust, the Baby Sleep Information Service and the NHS. This course contains challenges for learners to check their understanding as the course proceeds.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Paediatricians
- Nursery workers
- Parents
- Childminders
- Social Workers
This course takes approximately one to two hours to complete
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Self Harm

Course Description
Being able to identify and understand self-harm and its causes is crucial for anyone who works with vulnerable children, young people or adults. This training will help learners to understand what to do if they suspect someone is potentially self-harming.
Mental health problems among children and young people appear to be on the rise, so self-harm awareness and an understanding of how to support young people who are at risk of self-harm is vital for anyone who has safeguarding responsibilities.
This course covers types of self-harm, reasons for an indicators of someone self-harming, and how to identify and help someone who is harming themselves.
This course covers the following:
- A definition of self-harm and how to identify it
- The prevalence of self-harm, and relevant statistics
- Links between self-harm and mental wellbeing
- Acts of self-harm
- The self-harm cycle
- Risk factors for self-harm in both children and adults
The course includes a range of scenarios to enable the learner to reflect on own practice and engage in their learning, it also includes knowledge checks throughout.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Education workers
- Social workers
- Volunteers
- Police officers
On completion of this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Approximately 1-2 hours. The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Supporting Teenagers and Young People

Course Description
This course covers a wide range of topics to help provide those who work with children and young people or young adults, the information they need to help and support young people who are vulnerable to abuse or neglect.
This course is designed to give information and guidance to those working with teenagers and young people who may be vulnerable to relationship abuse, substance misuse, and teenage pregnancy.
This course uses a multimedia approach to engage the learner including videos and scenarios to allow professionals to develop their knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Definition of teenage relationship abuse and the types of abuse: sexual, coercive control, financial, emotional and physical
- Risk factors and protective factors
- How to help young people in abusive relationships
- Factors associated with bullying, including locations
- Characteristics of perpetrator including types of adult bullies and children who bully - bullies, indicators, victims
- Types of bullying, including homophobic bullying and that of young people with learning disabilities, and the bullying cycle
- The relationship between bullying and suicide
- Definitions of substance misuse and addiction
- Young people and alcohol and drug treatment, referral routes into specialist treatment
- The misuse of substances, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and cannabis
- What to do it you have concerns regarding substance misuse
- The risks, impact and prevention of teenage pregnancy
- Supporting young people in reducing teenage pregnancy rates
- Legislation relating to teenage relationship abuse, bullying and substance misuse
This course uses immersive real-work scenarios to help professionals apply knowledge into everyday life. These real-work scenarios and the supporting case studies will enable learners to see how their training can apply to them in their role. A key aim of this training is to provide learners with strong context to the training so they can easily relate to the situations presented to them within the training.
You will learn
- The definition of what teenage relationship abuse is and the different forms of abuse within intimate relationships
- Explain what you need to do if you have concerns about a child or teenager
- Identify what is meant by bullying and the 'bullying cycle' and who is at risk
- Know the different types of substances which young people might abuse and the effects of these substances on young people's physical and mental health
- Understand why young people might misuse substances and the factors that make them vulnerable
- Identify the risk factors for teenage pregnancy and the impact of teenage pregnancy on the outcomes for young people
- Outline support for young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Social workers
- Volunteers
- Safeguarding teams
On completion of this course you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Approximately 3-4 hours. The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation, will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Working with Children with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

Course Overview
For those working with children with learning difficulties or disabilities there are a lot of increased considerations that need to take place in regards to their safeguarding and care.
This course gives an overview of information and guidance needed for those who work or care for children and young people in this situation.
This wide-ranging course covers the definitions, needs and laws relating to children with learning difficulties and disabilities, including legislation, communication and partnership.
This course covers the following:-
- Views on disabilities and disability awareness
- Types of developmental disabilities
- Models of disabilities
- Barriers faced by disabled children and young people and their families
- Integration and inclusion
- Communication and terminology
- Working in partnership, participation, consultation, person-centered planning
- Safeguarding in relation to disabled children and young people
- Recent research
- Legislation relating to disability issues
This course includes a range of scenarios to enable the learner to reflect on their own practice and engage in their learning. It also includes knowledge check challenges throughout.
You will learn
- Identify different views, types and models of disabilities
- Identify barriers experienced by children, young people and their families - what does equality, diversity and inclusion mean for them?
- Working together with parents or carers and other professionals
- How to safeguarding children with disabilities
- Understand significant legislation relating to disability issues
Who is this for?
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Pastoral Care
- Nursey Staff
- Daycare Workers
- Childcare Workers
- Social Workers
- Volunteers
On completion of this course you will be able to print a Virtual College certificate.
Approximately 4-5 hours.
The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days will result in a charge of £15.
To register for this course, please click here
Modern Slavery and Trafficking

Course description
Modern slavery and trafficking are two of the most important safeguarding topics for anyone working with vulnerable children or adults. It is crucial that they have an in-depth knowledge of these areas and can spot the signs and symptoms of abuse.
Human trafficking, human exploitation and modern slavery are alarmingly widespread issues in today's society. Statistics from Unseen show there was a 35% increase in the number of people identified as trafficking victims in the UK from 2016 to 2017, while 4,586 victims of modern slavery were reported to the Home Office in 2016 alone.
Thousands of children and adults are exploited each year for cheap or unpaid labor, sexual abuse or domestic servitude, which can have a devastating impact on their physical and mental wellbeing.
Why take this course?
It is vital that the perpetrators of these crimes are caught, which is only possible with the support of front-line professionals who are trained in identifying potential signs of exploitation and understand the appropriate course of action to take. That is what our Trafficking, Exploitation and Modern Slavery e-learning course is designed to educate people about.
A key aim of this training is to provide learners with a strong context so they can easily relate to the situations presented to them within the training. To achieve this, the course uses immersive read-world scenarios and case studies to help professional apply knowledge into their role.
What is included in this course?
This course offers information on the various forms of slavery and trafficking in a clear format, with videos and real-life scenarios, and includes the following:-
- Definitions of modern slavery, including a slavery or servitude, forced or compulsory labor, human trafficking, types of exploitation, sex trafficking
- Details of relevant legislation - International, European, and within the UK.
- Who is at risk, and how to recognise them
- Signs and indicators: physical, sexual, health, psychological and behavioral
- How to report using National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and the Duty to Notify
- Why victims might not wish to report abuse
- The scale of human trafficking, both nationally and worldwide
- The role of the internet and online sex trafficking
- Who are the victims and why are they vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation
- UK strategies on preventing trafficking and modern slavery
- Investigating and prosecuting
- Preventing trafficking
- The impact of trafficking and exploitation on it victims, both adults, children and young people
- Understanding the roles of specific agencies and services
You will learn
- Explain the main components of modern slavery and trafficking and who could be at risk
- Recognise indicators of modern slavery
- Outline the legislative framework of modern slavery and trafficking
- Recognise who traffickers are
- Explain what is meant by online sex trafficking
- Understand the scale of trafficking and how it is investigated
- Know the different types of exploitation, slavery and forced labor and how to report to the relevant agencies
Who is it for?
Roles including:-
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Healthcare Professionals
- Nurses
- Care workers
- Social workers
After completing this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate, which you can print for your records.
Course duration
This course should take three to four hours to complete, but our e-learning courses are entirely self-paced, so this depends on your individual learning speed.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation, a £15 fee will be charged.
To register for this course, please click here
LGBTQ+ Awareness

Course Description
This training is designed to give learners a much deeper understanding of the key issues facing LGBTQ+ workers and how to ensure that they are safeguarded in the workplace.
Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to create an inclusive environment for all employees through their policies and procedures.
This LGBTQ+ Awareness training course will widen your awareness of gender identity and sexual orientation, and includes the following subject topics:
- The definition of gender identity and sexual orientation, Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and Gender Dysphoria
- The definition and usage of words, including 'queer', 'pansexual', 'non-binary' etc
- The processes involved in transitioning
- Research and understanding of discrimination
- Hate crime, minority stress
- LGBTQ+ health issues, both mental and physical, and the difficulties of accessing appropriate healthcare
- Children and young people, gender identify and sexuality
- LGBTQ+ in education
- Pride
This course covers personal experiences and case studies, educational downloads and discussion of a while school approach, links to relevant organisations, interactive infographics including relevant statistics, and a
Radicalisation and Extremism
Course Description
Safeguarding anyone against radicalisation and extremism is an extremely important responsibility. It is crucial that anyone working with vulnerable children, young people or adults are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of potential radicalisation.
This training course will help learners to understand various forms of radicalisation and extremism and how it can be recognised and countered. This course also looks into further steps and organisations to contact if they suspect someone is being radicalised.
This is a wide-ranging course covering radicalisation and extremism. It explores how some people become vulnerable to it and how this can potentially lead to terrorism, how to counter this and actions you can take. It also details government initiatives and legislation.
Topics covered in this prevent extremism training include:-
- Extremism, radicalisation and terrorism, and the differences between them
- Sources and types of terrorism threats
- How the radicalisation process happens
- Risk factors and how to identify people vulnerable to radicalisation
- Government strategies, including CONTEST, Channel and Prevent
- UK legislation and actions to reduce acts of terrorism
- Actions you can take
Case studies and videos are used to illustrate the information in the prevent radicalisation training course, and there are also challenges to check your knowledge of the information covered at each stage of the learning.
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Care workers
- Social workers
- Safeguarding teams
- University staff
- HR workers
This course takes approximately one to 2 hours to complete.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Safeguarding in Education

It is crucial that anyone working in education is able to spot the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect to ensure children are safeguarded. This Safeguarding in Education online training course is CPD approved and has been tailored to those working in education such as Teachers, Teachers Assistants, Office Staff and much more.
Course description
Anyone working in education has a responsibility to ensure children are safeguarded from potential abuse or neglect. Staff need to be able to recognise any of the signs or symptoms of abuse and how to report them to the correct authority.
It is a statutory requirement for anyone who works with children to have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies, legislation and guidance so they can proactively focus on keeping them safe from harm and maintain the ability to act on any concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people.
Why take this course?
The Department of Education states 'everybody who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children'. It is the duty of schools and colleges to priortise this responsibility at the highest level.
The Safeguarding in Education course has been created with child protection in mind, giving advice and information for schools and college staff using practical, real-life examples. The course is written by safeguarding experts with over 100 years' joint experience in the education sector.
It is a statutory requirement that all staff working with children receive appropriate child protection training.
You will learn
- To recognise the legislation and guidance that governs safeguarding children in education
- Identify safe working practices in education settings
- Recognise the importance of early intervention and specific safeguarding issues
- Recognise the signs of abuse and neglect
- Identify what to do if you have concerns about children
- Illustrate how safeguarding children works in practice
Who is it for?
Roles including:
- Administrators
- Reception staff
- Teachers
- Teaching assistants
- Early years practitioners
- Safeguarding teams
After completing this course, you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate, which you can print for your records.
Course duration
This course should take eight to 10 hours to complete, but our e-learning courses are entirely self-paced, so this depends on your individual learning speed.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation with result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Level 2 - Safeguarding Children

This course introduces key areas of safeguarding and is suitable for a range of roles including administrators, teaching assistants and early years practitioners. This course will ensure you have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies, legislation and guidance, and includes ways you can reduce the risk of abuse, the signs and symptoms of different types of abuse, and the impact well-known child abuse and neglect cases have had on legislation.
Course description
This Level 2 Safeguarding Children introduces safeguarding as a topic and covers key safeguarding areas such as, safeguarding jargon, working in a multi-agency approach and best practice.
This Level 2 course will give learners the knowledge they need to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse and what they need to do if they suspect a child is being abused or discloses sensitive information to them.
It is a statutory requirement for anyone who works with children to have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies, legislation and guidance so they can proactively focus on keeping them safe from harm and maintain the ability to act on any concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people.
Why take this Level 2 Safeguarding Children course
If you are someone who regularly comes into contact with children in your work and needs to reach a more advanced level of safeguarding knowledge, then this course has been designed for you.
This Level 2 safeguarding children training gives you a deeper understanding of safeguarding issues and how to effectively report them when abuse is suspected.
To help you apply your knowledge in everyday life, real-world scenarios are used. These scenarios and the supporting case studies will enable you to see how your training can apply to you in your role. A key aim of this training is to provide you with strong context to the training so they can easily relate to the situations presented to you within the the training.
On completion of the course, you will be able to:-
- Apply the changes to practice made over the past three years to your work.
- Identify different levels of harm and follow the appropriate safeguarding procedures.
- Collect safeguarding children information from both a local and national context.
To ensure that the training is based on industry best practice, the content has been mapped to the following best practice frameworks:-
- Intercollegiate Framework
- Core Training Skills Framework
- National Competency Safeguarding Framework
What will you learn?
- The profound impact some well-known cases of child abuse and neglect have had on legislation.
- The ability to explain the importance of multi-agency co-operation.
- How to define safeguarding in respect to children and young people.
- What you need to do if a child makes a disclosure or if you suspect abuse.
- What whistleblowing is, what it is not and why it is important.
- Ways you can reduce the risk of abuse.
- The signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse.
- The roles and responsibilities Level 2 early years and young people practitioners may have.
Who should take this course
This Level 2 course is suitable for a range of roles which includes those who may frequently or regularly work with vulnerable children. Some of these roles may include administrators and reception staff, teaching assistants, early years practitioners and safeguarding teams.
Approximately one to two hours. The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Mental Health Awareness

This online Mental Health Awareness training looks at how you can improve your own mental health and wellbeing and the positive affect that will have on your life. This mental health awareness course has been designed to provide learners with a greater understanding of mental health, identifying personal stressors and actions that can be taken to reduce them.
Course Description
This course covers the different aspects of your life and how you can improve your mental health and wellbeing in those areas. Aimed at anyone who wishes to improve their mental health and wellbeing the course takes around one hour to complete.
Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK could suffer from mental health at least once a year with 1 in 6 people in England reporting common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
Whilst there has not been a significant rise in mental health problems in recent years, people are finding it harder to cope with the illness, with self-harm and suicidal thoughts increasing.
Having positive mental health in the workplace can lead to an increase in productivity and morale which can have a good effect on your colleagues.
This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to improve mental health and wellbeing and it can help improve your understanding of it.
Who should take this course and why?
This course is aimed at anyone who wishes to learn more about improving their mental health and wellbeing.
What does this course cover?
Take this course to improve your understanding of your own mental health and wellbeing.
Training outcomes for this course are as follows:-
- Identify personal stressors and actions that can be taken to relieve them.
- Compare workplace factors and their effect on personal wellbeing management.
- Determine factors affecting clear communication and identify best practice for positive communication.
- Describe types of positive mindset and how they can be adopted.
- Summarise the role of physical health in mental health and the areas in which personal improvements can be made.
- Identify the stigma and cultural issues attached to mental health and actions for overcoming them.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this training, please click here
Suicidal Thoughts

Course Description
Being able to identify the signs and symptoms of someone suffering from suicidal thoughts is crucial for anyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Lack of mental wellbeing in children, young people and vulnerable adults can lead to suicidal thoughts and suicidal ideation.
This course goes into the reasons for such thoughts, explains why some people are vulnerable, and gives guidance on how to support people in this situation.
This course covers the following:
- A definition of suicidal thoughts and mental wellbeing
- A description of suicidal ideation and how to identify it
- Statistics behind suicidal thoughts and suicide itself
- Why some people are vulnerable to suicidal thoughts
- Vulnerabilities for substance misuse, social isolation and other external influences
- The risks specific to adults and teenagers
- Guidance, how to assess risk, strengths-based practice, information sharing, interventions and how to help.
The course includes a range of scenarios to enable the learner to reflect on their own practice and engage in their learning, it also includes knowledge check challenges throughout.
You will learn
- Explain what is meant by suicidal ideation and outline why people can experience it
- Describe how prevalent suicide is
- Identify and explain risk factors for suicidal ideation and outline why adolescents are at an increased risk
- Identify behaviours associated with suicidal ideation
- Explain how to respond to someone who is experiencing suicidal ideation
Who is it for?
Roles including:-
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Social Workers
- Police
- Volunteers
- Care workers
- School support staff
On completion of this course you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Approximately 1 - 2 hours. The length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here
Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes

Course Description
This course will be of interest to professionals working with families with pets and will help them to recognise those at risk of physical and mental abuse.
This course has been developed as a result of significant research findings, which show that "when animals are abused, people are at risk; when people are abused, animals are at risk".
This safeguarding course has been designed to help frontline staff understand the link between family abuse and animal abuse, and is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk.
Why take this course?
The course provides a basic understanding of what animal abuse is, how to spot the signs, as well as to understand the recognised link between family abuse and animal abuse, and understand what to do if you have suspicions of abuse.
Free SETDAB E-Learning courses
Southend Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board (SETDAB) offer a range of free e-learning courses which cover the following areas:-
These packages can be accessed by professionals, via the ESCA academy partnership e-learning platform. The site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex and Thurrock.
Sexual Violence and Abuse - Awareness

This self-paced e learning module seeks to raise awareness of sexual violence and abuse. It aims to equip individuals with the tools to have an understanding of what sexual violence and abuse is, the meaning of consent and how to respond appropriately to disclosures. This is available to individuals who work in partnership across Thurrock or provide a service to Thurrock residents. The training is suitable for local authority staff, police officers, GPs, NHS staff, representatives of churches, faith and community groups and the third sector and voluntary organisations.
The learning objectives of this training are:
To have a basic awareness of what sexual violence and abuse (SVA) is.
- To understand the meaning of consent, especially in terms of sexual offences legislation.
- To know how to respond appropriately to disclosures of SVA.
To undertake this course, please click here
There is no charge for this course.