Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
Anti-social behaviour is any act that causes – or is likely to cause – alarm, harassment or distress. It is also any act that can cause nuisance or annoyance related either to housing or where the affected person is living.
Types of anti-social behaviour include:
- noise nuisance
- drug taking and dealing
- threatening or rowdy behaviour
- violence and disorder
- vandalism
Anti-social behaviour, hate crime and domestic abuse can severely affect the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.
Reporting anti-social behaviour:
To report ASB caused by a council tenant or affecting a council tenant, you can either contact your estate officer or use the form below:
Anti-social behaviour - council tenant report - Thurrock Council
To report any ASB you can contact Essex Police or Crimestoppers anonymously:
Contact Us - Essex Police
Giving information anonymously - Crimestoppers