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Graded Care Profile 2 Training

Thurrock LSCP are pleased to offer you the opportunity to attend FREE  training in relation to Graded Care Profile 2.  

Thursday 3rd April 2025 - 09:00 -  16:00 - venue to be confirmed

Thursday 15th May 2025 - 09:00 -  16:00 - Civic Offices, New Rd, Grays RM17 6SL

The Graded Care Profile 2 helps Practitioners measure the quality of care being given to a child.  It is an assessment tool that helps them to spot anything that is putting that child at risk of harm.

It is important we find children who are at risk of harm as early as possible so we can get them the right help.

 Graded Care Profile 2 shows:-

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • What needs to be changed

By working out what parents can do better, it is easier for the person working with a family to get them the right support to improve the life of their child.

Practitioners are specially trained to use the tool.  They visit families at home to do an assessment, which is a bit like filling in a questionnaire.  It is called Graded Care Profile because different aspects of family life are 'graded' on a scale of 1 to 5.  Questions are broken down into four areas:-

  • physical, such as quality of food, clothes and health
  • safety, such as how safe the home is and if the child knows about things like road safety
  • love, such as the relationship between the carer and child
  • esteem, such as if a child is encouraged to learn and if they are praised for doing something good.

Graded Care Profile 2 is designed to be used with families where someone is concerned about the care of a child.

Thurrock LSCP are offering this training to anyone working with children and young people that need to assess neglect.

Please note that whilst this training is free, failure to attend without five working days notice will result in a £50 charge.

By submitting the application you agree to the terms and conditions of the below declaration.

To book onto this training, please click here.


1.  I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning.

2. I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.

3. My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.

4. I agree to complete post course feedback at the end of this training session and will complete the follow up survey six weeks later.  I am aware that failure to complete either of these feedbacks will result in notification to my manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance, which may affect my compliance to meet any statutory requirements.

5. I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership and, should I be allocated a place, agree to bring the confirmation letter with me on the first day of the course. I understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.

6. For non-chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without five working days notice.


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development.  This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste.  The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies.  It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutinty.


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