Graded Care Profile 2

Neglect is the most common form of abuse and an adverse childhood experience. We know that children who experience Neglect may go onto experience long term negative effects on their health, well-being and life opportunities. We want to improve outcomes for children experiencing Neglect in Thurrock by intervening as early as possible.
As part of our approach to working with children and families, the NSPCC's Graded Care Profile 2 is being introduced across the wider Partnership.
What is the Graded Care Profile 2 tool?
Thurrock is using the NSPCC's Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) as a tool for assessing the ability of parents/carers to meet children's needs. The GCP2 is an evidence-based assessment tool that measure the quality of care provided to an individual child over a specific period of time. It is designed as an objective tool which focuses on measuring the quality of care received by the child. The tool is child-focused as it specifically addresses whether or not the child's developmental needs in each area are being met, to what extent and whether this is consistent.

How can it be used?
The tool can assist you to understand the willingness and ability of the parent/carer to meet the child’s developmental needs. Within the Graded Care Profile 2 there are five grades of care on a scale from positive to negative. The tool uses a scaling measurement of the level of care between 1 (best) or 5 (worst) and this scaling is based on direct observation of the extent to which the needs of a child are currently being met. The scoring applies to the areas of care that relating to particular developmental needs of children based on Maslow’s principles:-
- Physical care
- Care of safety
- Emotional care (love and belong), and
- Developmental care (care of esteem)
It is widely recognised that the level of care provided by parents to children can fluctuate over time. Therefore, this tool is useful as it can measure parenting at a specific time and then can be reviewed to ascertain whether there has been any changes over time.
The GCP2 tool was intended to be a helpful tool when assessing neglect and helps to promote resilience within families by focusing on the 'instinctive parenting strength' within the social-environmental context as well as seeking the family's own understanding of how the child's needs are being met.
Can you use this tool?
In order to carry out Graded Care Profile 2 assessments, you are required to attend a full day of training, which is being offered as two half day sessions. There will be a number of sessions provided in Thurrock to train practitioners to use this assessment tool, to better understand and respond to children who are experiencing Neglect. These are currently being organised and further information will be added to the website shortly.

Useful Documents
Below are some different guidance documents which you may find useful:-
We also have a video introducing GCP2 to agencies:-
Graded Care Profile 2 Tools
If you have undertaken the GCP2 training, the GCP2 tools are below:-