Brighter Futures

Brighter Futures Vision
The Brighter Futures vision is to promote the wellbeing and resilience of families with children from conception to 18. For children with additional needs, support continues until they are 25 as we work with adult services to ensure a smooth transition for help and support into adulthood.
This vision will be achieved by empowering and supporting children and families wherever possible to help themselves, using universal and community-based services in the first instance. When more specialist help is needed we will support families by offering the right service, at the right time, by professionals with a range of skills to prevent escalation of need.
In Thurrock, we are using a whole range of professionals who work with children, young people and their families to deliver the Brighter Futures Strategy, meaning that we will work together to ensure services are co-ordinated, accessible and where possible, local.
Full details of the Brighter Futures Strategy can be found by clicking here

The Brighter Futures Training Plan is set out below with links to the relevant training page:-