Level 1 - Safeguarding Everyone

Level 1 Safeguarding Everyone will help you to better understand how to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk effectively within your role. The course allows learners to understand the importance of multi-agency cooperation, whistleblowing and how cases of abuse have impacted the legislation.
Course Description
This course will give you the knowledge and skills to ensure you can help safeguard not only those you are directly responsible for, but everyone you have contact with whilst carrying out your duties.
This information packed course emphasises how important it is for everyone to always ensure the safety and security of anyone in their care, or whom they encounter as part of their role.
It will help you to better understand how to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk effectively within your role.
The overall learning outcomes being:-
- Be able to recognise the signs of abuse
- Be able to respond appropriately to suspected or alleged abuse
- Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices.
The course explains key definitions such as Safeguarding, Vulnerable Child and Adult at risk.
It explains what Child or Adult abuse, or maltreatment is and covers the ten types of abuse you should be aware of, including some less well-known types such as Financial Abuse. Providing useful information on each of the ten. It also explains that some people are more vulnerable to or at risk of abuse.
A key aspect covered is how to respond to abuse, what steps to follow if you have concerns or anyone discloses to you that they are being abused.
This aspect of how to respond also includes Recording and Reporting abuse what to do if you have concerns about the wellbeing of a child, young person or adult at risk and you think they are a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty.
This course covers key legislation and guidance such as the Safeguarding Children 2018 guidance or the Care Act 2014.
In summary, the course covers:-
- What is safeguarding?
- Types of abuse
- Signs and symptoms of abuse
- Responding to abuse
The course is user friendly with interactive, engaging content including video and challenges to check your knowledge. It also has an innovative "Safe Place" if you need a little escape from the content.
Who is it for?
Roles including:-
- Receptionists
- Administrators
- Caterers
- Transport Staff
- Maintenance Staff
- Volunteers
- Domestic Staff
- Porters
- Community Pharmacist Counter Staff
- Teachers
- Safeguarding teams
30 minutes to 1 hour study time.
Entry requirements
There are no specific entry requirements for this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to download a Virtual College certificate.
Please note that whilst this e-learning course is free, failure to complete within 30 days of the date of allocation will result in a £15 charge.
To register for this course, please click here