Sexual Violence and Abuse - Awareness

This self-paced e learning module seeks to raise awareness of sexual violence and abuse. It aims to equip individuals with the tools to have an understanding of what sexual violence and abuse is, the meaning of consent and how to respond appropriately to disclosures. This is available to individuals who work in partnership across Thurrock or provide a service to Thurrock residents. The training is suitable for local authority staff, police officers, GPs, NHS staff, representatives of churches, faith and community groups and the third sector and voluntary organisations.
The learning objectives of this training are:
To have a basic awareness of what sexual violence and abuse (SVA) is.
- To understand the meaning of consent, especially in terms of sexual offences legislation.
- To know how to respond appropriately to disclosures of SVA.
To undertake this course, please click here
There is no charge for this course.