Quick Exit

Safeguarding and reporting steps

We recommend staff have access to, and refer, to the Safeguarding Checklist to prompt them to identify, record and respond to signs of exploitation.

When booking in quests to ask hospitality premises to always:-

  • Ask for photo I.D. only for age verification checks
  • Ask staff to make eye contact and engage in conversation to enquire about the reason for the guest's visit or stay
  • Ash the young person if they are okay, they know the person they are with and feel safe being with them
  • Report any concerns to Essex Police -
    • 101 if non urgent (or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111)
    • 999 if urgent (when booking in, state Operation Makesafe to police call handlers to help you report in a discrete manner)

Following booking in, we ask hospitality premises to always:

  • Report any concerns to Essex Police
    • 101 if non urgent (or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111)
    • 999 if urgent (if guests are still present)
  • Share all suspected activity with Essex Police via the above routes.  Keeping Refusal Records and Incident Logs will assist Police investigations so record descriptions of suspects and young people, vehicle number plates, key card use, payment methods and save CCTV recordings.
  • Following checking out, if you suspect child exploitation has taken place, preserve evidence - do not move items, if person(s) have left the room, do not let anyone go into the room until the Police arrive or instruct you otherwise.

We suggest your premises adopts the following measures to minimise the opportunity to exploit children at your venue:

  • Ask that guests only use the main entrance
  • Restrict unregistered persons in guest rooms at night
  • Install CCTV monitoring and retain CCTV recordings
  • Undertake regular patrols (walk the hallways and perimeter)
  • Display exploitation information and Operation Makesafe materials
  • Include exploitation in your premises risk assessments
  • Create a whistleblowing policy
  • Invest in your staff training and discuss regularly in team meetings


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