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Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking - Free Training


Future Dates Coming Soon

10.00 till 12.00

via MS Teams

Thurrock Community Safety Partnership and Thurrock Adults Safeguarding Board are delighted to offer free awareness training on the topic of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking.  Delivered by colleagues at Essex Police the training will cover the following:-

  • Organised Crime Group
  • Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Overview
  • Types of exploitation
  • Signs of exploitation
  • Victim barriers
  • National Referral Mechanism/reporting concerns

To book, please click here

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  1. I confirm that I have read the attendance criteria and learning outcomes for this course and believe that I will significantly benefit from this learning and that I meet the criteria.
  2. I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the learning outcomes are reinforced in the workplace.
  3. My Line Manager has agreed to me attending this training.
  4. I agree to complete the post course feedback at the end of the training session.  I am aware that failure to complete this feedback will result in notification to my Manager and I will not receive my certificate of attendance.
  5. I understand that places will be allocated by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership.  I also understand that my details may be securely and confidentially retained by Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership for statistical and information purposes only.
  6. For non chargeable courses, I agree to reimburse Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership/Thurrock Community Safety Partnership for late cancellation or non-attendance, without 5 working days notice.


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of training and development.  This information will be stored securely in electronic format and any original hard copies disposed of as confidential waste. The information will be processed by members of the LSCP Business Team and will be kept in accordance with retention policies.  It may be shared with other LSCP members for the purposes of audit and scrutiny.


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